Hear what my clients are saying about the FASTer Way!

Today, I posted a feedback form in my FASTer Way to Fat Loss program group pages. My goal is to learn how to improve the program moving forward. I pulled up the responses to read through the suggestions, and I was literally in tears reading the positive feedback and SUCCESSES my clients have already experienced through my program. Here are a handful of testimonials below.

If you are interested in transforming your life and joining my FASTer Way to Fat Loss program this month, be sure to visit my info page and lock-in before spots fill up.

“I am in week 2 of the program and I feel amazing. It has not been as hard as I thought it would be and honestly I am sleeping better, thinking clearer and feel happier. I am excited to see what I feel and look like at week 6.” – Ashley Griffith

“As I’m in my second week of the boot camp, I keep thinking how grateful I am to my favorite blogger, Beth of Seersucker & Saddles, for introducing me to Amanda and her boot camp. Her before & after pictures had me SOLD! I’ve always been an active person, working out regularly for years and have always eaten pretty well. However, I always fell short of seeing good-enough results. Through the past week and a half, I’ve realized that I don’t have to workout so hard and for so long and have learned to fuel my body correctly. A win-win combo, if you ask me. Amanda and the rest of the fellow boot campers are very supportive and doing this program with my best friend is icing on the cake. And speaking of cake…you can have treats during the program! How cool is that?!?” – Renee

“Game changer ~ I can’t believe that my time in the gym has decreased, I eat more on a regular calorie day and I’ve seen the most results both physically and mentally than I’ve ever had before.” – Michelle Tarleton

“I feel great and my skin looks amazing as a result of diet. Quick workouts get me in and out of gym which I love!” – Sherry Sanders

“This is my second round and I have to say it just gets better. I truly appreciate the online support and your guidance. It has made a tremendous difference in the way I view nutrition and working out. Game changer!” – Amy Jacobsen

“So far I have made better food choices, and am stepping outside the box with my workouts. For three years now my choice of workout has been barre, which has great results, but I plateaued and needed something different. When seeing results from others I knew Amanda’s program was the way to go.” – Britney

“I’ve been on Amanda’s program since January 5th. It was a tough start however I’m feeling better then ever. Fasting has made me feel in control of my appetite and life in general. Amanda’s consistent online upbeat attitude with extensive researched education to back her program has made me a believer. I have a ways to go but I’m actually looking forward to the journey. I’m a working mother of 3 over 40… if I can can commit to this .. anyone can!!” – Betsy Sayers

“I travel for a living and was worried about the fasting, carbs and calorie watch with my schedule… but I’ve been able to make it work. Even the workouts. They are very doable yet challenging and it’s easy to alter the program to fit your schedule needs. I still eat tons of the things I love and I haven’t even noticed that I have been gluten free (I have actually been trying to go GF for months now, and this is the first time in two weeks I have even thought about it!) So far I’m really diggin’ the program.” -Jordan

“This program is the real deal. I struggled for a long time to find the sweet spot of nutrition management and exercise. Amanda makes it so easy to follow. I work full time and manage the lives of three busy kids. This program fits right into that schedule. I have been following this program for 8 weeks and have lost 10 lbs and 6 inches overall. I am very grateful to Amanda for her consistent support, but also all of the ladies who have been a part of my groups.” – Shelby

“I came into this program in the summer of 2016 at the age of 51 with more than 60 pounds to lose to be at a healthy weight. Amanda encouraged me to go at my own pace with the exercises but to still push myself to my own limits. The change in eating habits was something I could do 100% and I did! The results were amazing. I lost 18 pounds in the six-week period and felt younger and more energetic than I have in a long time. Even after the holidays and a couple of bad bouts of bronchitis this fall/winter, I have kept 10 pounds off and am back on the program. Repetition is how we establish habits, and these are good habits I want to make a permanent part of my lifestyle.” – Amy

“I love that this program is attainable- it only takes commitment. If you commit- you will succeed. So thankful for the online group that encourages me and helps hold me accountable.” -Brooke

“My clothes fit looser already. My stomach looks flatter, which is crazy because I have had that dreaded “c-section pooch,” for almost 6 years now. I feel more in control of my food choices, and able to stick to healthy eating without intense craving.” – Kylie Fouts

“I tried everything to shed my last 15lbs of baby weight. This program was the first thing that really worked for me. It’s not a magic pill- it takes dedication, but if you follow the program, you WILL lose weight. I’m already noticing how much better my clothes fit! I’m finally starting to feel like my old self again!”  – Meredith Guy

“This program is a life changer! I was hesitant to join because of one word – fasting. I absolutely love it now. I’m able to enjoy my evenings with my 2 young kids because I have amazing energy. My biggest victory of all is getting back into my “pre-pregnancy” pants! What a great feeling that is!!” – Kelli Lukens

“I’ve worked with Amanda for a year now and I can honestly say she puts forth 100% to building stronger, more confident woman. Her program fits into real life. Try it once and I promise it will change your life.” – Jules

“Amanda’s program has been life changing for me. I have remained healthy and active throughout my adult life but going to the gym and consistently working out was something I dreaded. Through this program and Amanda’s encouragement I have completely changed my outlook on working out and now look forward to it. I have seen results, I am stronger, faster, leaner. This program is not a diet, it’s not a gimmick, it is truly a way of life and she walks you through every step!” – Allison Davis

“While I have not remeasured myself to this point (I am in week 2) i can definitely feel the difference in the way that my clothing is fitting and a difference my energy level and overall sense of wellbeing from day to day. The structure of this program has allowed me to take back control over my mindless eating while allowing room for flexibility in my food choices.” – Julie Lysiak

“I’m really excited to be a part of FASTer Way. I’m only a week into the program and I feel very in control of how I’m fueling my body, I’ve enjoyed switching up my previous exercise routine, and I haven’t been hungry!” – Dana

“I gained about 20 lbs after turning the big 50-and joined a gym, hired a trainer, ate clean and worked out hard 5 days a week with limited results. After starting Amanda’s program, I have already lost 6 lbs and 7 inches in the first 6 weeks!! I plan to continue her program to lose those last 10 lbs!!!”

“My legs are toned, I sleep better, and have tons of energy! As a busy attorney, wife, mom, grandson, and active church volunteer-I need all the energy I can get! I cannot recommend this program highly enough!!” – Mel Hardy

“In my 30+ years of life, I have never followed a nutrition plan, but I have always worked out hard (barre, weight lifting, crossfit, and many other programs). No matter what I did, I could never lose my stomach fat….or learn to say no to my kids macaroni and cheese or a fun night (or weekend full) of drinks with friends. Through this program, I have learned to be in control of what I eat (and drink) and within just one week I already see improvements in my energy….AND waistline! I have to admit, I was skeptical before I started, but I have become a believer in less than 2 weeks!” -Ashley Landis

“I’m in my second round of the Faster Way to Fat Loss program and couldn’t be happier with my results! In my first 6- week session, I lost a total of 25 inches, including 2.5″ off my bust, 4″ off my waist, 5″ off my hips. On top of all that, I feel great, have tons of energy, and feel more confident in my own skin than I have in years. I highly recommend this program to anyone who truly wants to see results and is willing to put in the work to get there.” – Katie Lee

“After 8 days, I have energy to do the mundane things! I am sleeping much more soundly. I also love understanding how my body works and how I can still enjoy fabulous foods and fuel my body at the same time. This program is also amazing because it can be just a lifestyle change! The fad diets, shakes, supplements, etc.. can’t lead to a lifestyle change. This can!” – Casey Ferkingstad

“Amanda’s program has such great structure, it allows me to be consistent with my workout whether I’m home or traveling. In the 1st round (done over the holidays), I was down 9.8lbs and 8”! I’ve never done a program that is so fine tuned. I was feeling better by week two. I love the comradery of the Facebook groups; it’s women empowering women. I’m currently in my 2nd round and I can tell you that I’m probably going to be a “Lifer”! I’ve got more energy than I’ve ever had in my entire life! I’ve learned so much about nutrition, sleep, and exercise and how they affect your body. I have a new lifestyle and I’m loving it!” – Shelly Brugh

“I was always someone who worked out hard core OR dieted. I never could stick with either because the results never came. Doing Amanda’s program has made it so easy to work out AND eat to fuel my body and I am finally seeing the results I was never able to get before. I love how the workouts and food focus changes through the week. I don’t get in a rut, and I look forward to planning my meals and workouts. My clothes fit better, my energy is up, my mood has improved…in two weeks! I can’t wait to see how my mind and body continue to improve.” – Tanya Wells

It is truly my honor to work with the most amazing clients a trainer could ever ask for. It would be my privilege to work with YOU too! If you are interested in transforming your life and joining my FASTer Way to Fat Loss program in the new year, be sure to visit my info page and lock-in before spots fill up.

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